@extends('Modules.Health.layouts.second_main') @section('main-content')

Full Report

Tag ID:    {{ $full_cow->tagid }}
Shed ID:    {{ $full_cow->penid }}
Electronic Id:    {{ $full_cow->electronicid }}
@endif @if($full_cow->calfname=="''")
Animal name:    {{ $full_cow->calfname }}
Arrival Date:   01-Jan-1970
Birth date:    01-Jan-1970
Sex:    {{ $full_cow->sex }}
Breed Type:    {{ $full_cow->breed_type }}
Status:    {{ $status }}
No of Calvings:    {{ $fresh_count }}
@endif @if($convert_year!="1970")
Last Calving Date:    {{$convert_Freshningdate}}
@endif @if($full_cow->breadstatus==0)
Breed Status:    No
Breed Status:    Yes
@endif @if($father_tagid!='N/A')
Sire Tag Id:    {{ $father_tagid }}
@endif @if($mother_tagid!='N/A')
Dam Tag Id:    {{ $mother_tagid }}
Purchase Cost:    {{ $full_cow->price }} Rupees
Total Feed Cost:    {{ $feed_cost }}
Total Milk Given:    {{ $total_milk_given }} Liters
Total Revenue From Milk:    {{ $total_milk_price }} Liters
Total Expenses:    {{ $total_cost }} Rupees
Total Revenue Generated:    {{ $total_revenue }} Rupees
@foreach($lactationdate as $date) @endforeach
# Calving Date Milk / Liters
{{ $i }} {{$convert_calvingdate}} {{ $lactationmilk[$j] }}
@endif @if($full_cow_breed)
AI Breeding
@foreach($full_cow_breed as $breed) @endforeach
# AI Date AI Sire AI Type AI Technician AI Comments AI Cost
{{ $i+1 }} {{ $convert_breedingdate }} {{$sire[$j]}} {{ $breed->type }} {{ $breed->techname }} {{ $breed->comments }} {{$breed->price}}
Total Cost: {{$aiCost}}
@endif @if($full_bull_breed)
Bull Breeding
@foreach($full_bull_breed as $breed) @endforeach
# Date Service Sire Technician Comments
{{ $i+1 }} {{ $convert_bullbreedingdate }} {{ $breed->servicesire }} {{ $breed->techname }} {{ $breed->comments }}
@endif @if($full_cow_vetcheck!='[]')
Vet Check
@foreach($full_cow_vetcheck as $vet) @endforeach
# Date Result Method Uterus Right Overy Left Overy Carvix Comments Cost
{{ $i }} {{ $convert_vetcheckdate }} {{ $vet->method }} {{ $vet->result }} {{ $vet->rightovery }} {{ $vet->leftovery }} {{ $vet->uterus }} {{ $vet->carvix }} {{ $vet->comments }} {{ $vet->price }}
Total Cost: {{$vetCost}}
@endif @if($full_cow_vaccination)
@foreach($full_cow_vaccination as $vac) @endforeach
# Date Type Vaccination Medicines Quantity Technician Comments Cost
{{ $i }} {{ $convert_vacdate }} {{ $vac['vacc_type'] }} {{ $vac['med_name'] }} {{ $vac['med_quantity'] }} {{ $vac['techname'] }} {{ $vac['comments'] }} {{ $vac['price'] }}
Total Cost: {{$veccost}}
@endif @if($full_cow_deworming)
@foreach($full_cow_deworming as $deworm) @endforeach
# Date Type Technician Comments Cost
{{ $i }} {{ $convert_dewormdate }} {{ $deworm->deworm_type }} {{ $deworm->techname }} {{ $deworm->comments }} {{ $deworm->price }}
Total Cost: {{$dewormCost}}
@endif @if($full_cow_treatment)
@foreach($full_cow_treatment as $treat) @endforeach
# Date Diagnosis Technician Medicines Quantity Comments Cost
{{ $i }} {{ $convert_treatmentdate }} {{ $treat['reason'] }} {{ $treat['techname'] }} {{ $treat['med_name'] }} {{ $treat['med_quantity']}} {{ $treat['comments'] }} {{ $treat['price'] }}
Total Cost: {{$treatCost}}
@endif @if($full_cow_specimen)
@foreach($full_cow_specimen as $spec) @endforeach
# Date Type Finding Comments Cost
{{ $i }} {{ $convert_specimendate }} {{ $spec->type }} {{ $spec->find }} {{ $spec->comments }} {{ $spec->price }}
Total Cost: {{$specCost}}
@endif @if($full_cow_moveto!='[]')
Move To
@foreach($full_cow_moveto as $move) @endforeach
# Date Reason Last Pen ID
{{ $i }} {{ $convert_movetodate }} {{ $move->reason }} {{ $move->lastpenid }}
@endif @if($full_cow_dryoff)
Dry off
@foreach($full_cow_dryoff as $dry) @endforeach
# Date Reason Technician
{{ $i }} {{ $convert_dryoffdate }} {{ $dry->reason }} {{ $dry->techname }}
@endif @if($full_cow_mastitis)
@foreach($full_cow_mastitis as $mastitis) @endforeach
# Date Treat Name Treat Type Technician R Front Dose R Right Dose L Right Dose L Front Dose Comments Cost
{{ $i }} {{ $convert_mastitisdate }} {{ $mastitis->treatname }} {{ $mastitis->treattype }} {{ $mastitis->techname }} {{ $mastitis->rightfrdose }} {{ $mastitis->rightrrdose }} {{ $mastitis->leftrdose }} {{ $mastitis->leftfrdose }} {{ $mastitis->comments }} {{ $mastitis->price }}
Total Cost: {{$mastitisCost}}
@endif @if($full_cow_hooftrim)
Hoof Trim
@foreach($full_cow_hooftrim as $hoof) @endforeach
# Date Technician R R Condition R F Condition L R Condition L F Condition comments cost
{{ $i }} {{ $convert_hooftrimdate }} {{ $hoof->techname }} {{ $hoof->rrhcondition }} {{ $hoof->rfhcondition }} {{ $hoof->lrhcondition }} {{ $hoof->lfhcondition }} {{ $hoof->comments }} {{ $hoof->price }}
Total Cost: {{$hoofCost}}
@endif @if($full_cow_pragnant!='[]')
Pregnancy Test
@foreach($full_cow_pragnant as $pragnant) @endforeach
# Date Type Dry Off Date Due Date Cost
{{ $i }} {{ $convert_pragnantdate }} {{ $pragnant->type }} {{ $convert_duedate }} {{ $convert_dryoffdate }} {{ $pragnant->price}}
Total Cost: {{$pregCost}}
@endif @if($full_cow_abortion!='[]')
@foreach($full_cow_abortion as $abortion) @endforeach
# Date Comments Cost
{{ $i }} {{ $convert_abortiondate }} {{ $abortion->comments }} {{ $abortion->price }}
Total Cost: {{$abortCost}}
@endif @if($full_cow_freshening!='[]')
@foreach($full_cow_freshening as $fresh) @if($fresh->placenta_removed==1) @else @endif @endforeach
# Date Ease No Of Calves Placenta Removed Comments Cost
{{ $i }} {{ $convert_fresheningdate }} {{ $fresh->freshningease }} {{ $fresh->noofchild }}YesNo{{ $fresh->comments }} {{ $fresh->price }}
Total Cost: {{$calCost}}
@endif @if($childtagid) @if($full_cow->sex=="Female")
Calves Information
@foreach($childtagid as $child) @endforeach
# Date OF Birth Sex Sire Tag ID Calf Tag ID Weight
{{ $i+1 }} {{ $childbirthdate[$i] }} {{ $childsex[$i] }} {{ $fathertagid[$i] }} {{ $child }} {{ $childweight[$i] }}
Calves Information
@foreach($childtagid as $child) @endforeach
# Date OF Birth Sex Dam Tag ID Calf Tag ID Weight
{{ $i+1 }} {{ $childbirthdate[$i] }} {{ $childsex[$i] }} {{ $fathertagid[$i] }} {{ $child }} {{ $childweight[$i] }}
@endif @endif @if($full_cow_removal)
@foreach($full_cow_removal as $remove) @endforeach
# Date Reason Category Comments
{{ $i }} {{ $convert_removaldate }} {{ $remove->reason }} {{ $remove->cat }} {{ $remove->comments }}
@endif @if($dead_children!="[]")
Death Children
@foreach($dead_children as $death) @endforeach
# Date of Death Sex Father Tagid Weight Reason
{{ $i }} {{ $convert_deathdate }} {{ $death->sex }} {{ $death->fathertagid }} {{ $death->weight }} {{ $death->reason }}
@endif @if($sold_children!="[]")
Sold Children
@foreach($sold_children as $sold) @endforeach
# Date of Sold Sex Father Tagid Weight Price
{{ $i }} {{ $convert_solddate }} {{ $sold->sex }} {{ $sold->fathertagid }} {{ $sold->weight }} {{ $sold->price }}