Monthly Customer Invoice ({{$month}})
{{$customer_name}}Rider: {{$rider_name}}

Date  Product Qty Rate/Unit Amount   Date  Product Qty Rate/Unit Amount
a. Sub-Total(Rs.)  {{$bill_total}}
b. O/S Previous Month(Rs.)   {{$last_balance}}
c. Already Received(Rs.)  {{$month_total_paid}}
(a+b-c) Net Payable(Rs.)  {{$total_bill}}
For quries please Call/ Whatsapp : {!!$info->whatsapp_number!!}, Facebook: {!!$info->website!!}
For Payments:
Payments may preferably be made through Funds transfer to the below given account OR Easypaisa Account OR by issuing Crossed Cheques. It is requested to NOT to making payments to the Purish Riders. In case cash payment is unaviodable, please inform through SMS/ Whatsapp on the below mentioned cell number. Mr. Muhammad Salman Baloch, the owner, Purish Farms will personally collect the amounts.
1. A/C # 0256-0100002965 Title "Muhammad Salman Baloch" with Askari Bank Limited
2. Crossed Cheque in the name of "Muhammad Salman Baloch"
3. For Easy Paisa Account 0341-0599486 "Muhammad Salman Baloch"